
Drinking A Gallon Of Water A Day For 40 Days: Week 3

***UPDATE: I’ve officially completed this experiment, so check out the results here: Final Results

So it’s been a few weeks already since I started this project, and to be honest, it’s mostly second nature now. I don’t really think about drinking the water, it’s something I just do, and I’ve still been feeling as healthy as before.

The interesting part about this past week is that I got sick this past weekend. I haven’t been sick in 12 years so I guess that unfortunately broke my streak, but in the process of being sick I actually didn’t reach a gallon a day. For a few days I was mostly drinking Yerba Mate, Emergen-C, and other Flu/Cold remedies. I want to stress this though: Drinking a lot of water did help me feel better, as everyone knows it’s important to drink a lot of water when you’re sick.

What was interesting, in the few days that I didn’t drink a gallon of water, is that the next day I woke up with extreme cotton mouth. This could have been a combination of the two, but even now that I’m not sick, it’s interesting to see that my body has become so adapted to drinking that much water that it craves it more.

Another interesting side effect is that I definitely pee a lot less, and I’ve also lost weight. Now I’m not suggesting for everyone to start drinking water to lose weight but I can definitely say, keeping all other factors equal, that the excess water consumption has helped me lose weight. That “bloated” feeling that I used to get in the first week is completely gone, so I’ll have to see how the last couple weeks turn out!